
Is Having a New Furnace Installed Worth the Cost?

**Please Note: PRK Services, Inc. no longer offers duct cleaning services.**

If you’re having problems with your existing furnace, you might want to consider replacing it with a new one. A furnace installation here in Highland Village can be provided by a number of qualified companies, and if your old furnace bites the dust, then your move is obvious. But installation can cost quite a bit, and before you embark upon such an operation, you have to ask yourself: is having a new furnace involved worth the cost?

The answer depends on two key factors: how much your old furnace is costing you and how much the new furnace will save. Repair bills are a fact of life with any appliance, but if an older heater just needs more and more repairs, then it may be more worthwhile to eat the cost of installation rather than wondering when your current furnace will fail again and what it might cost you in the bargain.

Similarly, if you find your monthly costs going up with an older unit, even if you’re not using it any more than normal, then a new unit could save you a great deal. When added together over time, the monthly savings of a new furnace could seriously offset the cost of installation, and maybe even pay for itself in the long run. This is doubly true if you want to add money-saving upgrades like zone control systems to the furnace, which provide greater control and more cost-saving functions at the expense of an additional start-up fee.

Again, it’s all a matter of balance, which depends on your individual circumstances and what you’re prepared to spend. You’ll need to weigh the functionality of your current furnace against the advantages of the new. Generally speaking, if your furnace is over ten years old and showing significant problems like the types mentioned above, you should think about a replacement. But is having a new furnace installed worth the cost? Only you can answer that. When you do, PRK Services, Inc. is ready to help. We handle Highland Village, TX furnace installation and can provide sound advice on the best means of addressing your issues.

Give us a call today or request an estimate online.

PRK Services

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