
Is Your Air Conditioner Making Odd Noises?

Do you turn on your air conditioner and reach for the earplugs? Running your air conditioner shouldn’t be an auditory experience. Sure, you can expect to hear a little something from your air conditioning system. If you have a central air conditioning system, you can expect to hear the sound of air moving through the vents in your home. If you have something localized like a ductless mini split system, you can expect to hear the sound of air leaving the vents. You should never hear loud, alarming noises though.

If you’re looking for a better air conditioner in your home contact us today for air conditioning services in Flower Mound, TX. We’ve worked in the Greater Denton Area for years and understand what it takes to service a home just like yours.

Odd Air Conditioning Sounds to Watch Out For

There are a surprising amount of sounds that your air conditioner can make. If you’re not sure what sound is a problem, contact our professionals today to schedule an appointment:

  • Rattling: Does your air conditioner sound like it’s rattling whenever it runs? Rattling is a problem sound that you might hear when parts become loose. If your parts are loose or faulty in your air conditioner they might rattle around in place. Contact our team. We can pinpoint the exact spot that you’re having trouble and fix the problem fast.
  • Grating: Grating is a problem that you might hear if you have an electrical issue. Grating is also a sound that you might hear if a major component of your air conditioner is off track. Make sure that you contact a professional fast if you hear this sound. This sound often indicates a major problem that’s going to wear down your air conditioner quickly.
  • Clicking: Now, you might hear a soft clicking noise when your air conditioner turns on or turns off, but if you hear clicking noises happening incessantly then you have a big problem in your home. Clicking is typically a sign that you’re having a major electrical problem in your home.
  • Banging: Do you hear a loud banging sound whenever you operate your home’s air conditioner? Banging is normally the sign of a major malfunction and typically one that involves a loose part hitting the walls of your home.
  • Buzzing: Do you hear a loud, bothersome buzzing sound whenever you run your air conditioner? A buzzing sound is a major problem that normally indicates a failing motor, losing wiring, arching connections or burning at the source.

If you hear any of these air conditioning sounds, your next steps are to contact our professional team for air conditioning services. If you’re hearing some other odd sound not included on this list above, it’s still a great idea to call our team. Anything other than the soft, unobtrusive sounds of air moving through the vents in your home you’re going to need professional assistance. Make sure you choose our responsible team.

Contact PRK Services, Inc. today to schedule an appointment with our professionals.

PRK Services

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